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Adding a Dimension to an Existing TM1 cube

Business requirements for reporting and planning are likely to change over time, and in some cases, changes can happen quite regularly and rapidly.  So, the cube structures that was implemented initially will likely need changing, such as adding a new dimension to existing cubes for enhanced analysis and/or planning.

In the past, adding a dimension to an existing cube directly would not be possible.  Unless creating a new cube with the new dimensions structure, and import existing data from existing cube.  As well as adding back all the rules and feeders, and review all rule files.  Then, perhaps, renaming the cube in the background to avoid further problems caused to other processes or rule files.  But that is a time consuming process, and there is a lot of room for errors.

Now, adding or removing dimension(s) from existing cubes can be done without jumping through hoops, with performance modeller.

Here is how:

    1. Start up performance modeller, log onto IBM TM1/CX Planner Applications (https://<server host>:9300/pmpsvc) and click the performance modeller icon on the top right corner , then select a TM1 server instance.
    2. In Model Design pane, double-click on a cube that you want to make changes to, which will open up a cube viewer on the main pane.  Expand on the dimension folder to find the dimension that you want to add to cube.
    3. Click and drag the dimension to the Rows, Columns or Context area of the cube viewer.
    4. If there is data in the cube that is not calculated by rules, you will ask to specify how you want the existing data distributed between members of the new dimensionExisting data can be:
  • Place to one of the members within the new dimension
  • Duplicate data for all leaf members of the new dimension, or
  • Clear all the data.
  1. Click Save or Save As, and the cube is updated with a new dimension.

Please note, when added a dimension to an existing cube, all links, rules and feeders will be broken.  You will need to review your links and rule files to make sure the new dimension is included in the rule syntax.

Removing dimensions follows a similar process.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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