Exploring TM1 - a Chartertech Company
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Clear Cube Process

It is good practice to create and destroy a view for clearing rather then leaving a large clear view sitting under the cube waiting for a user to click on it. The code below creates a view and assigns subsets to that view, zero’s the view out then destroys the view and subsets.

TM1 in a Unix Environment

Over the last 2 years more and more companies have looked at going 64-bit as their complex business modelling requires much more from a hardware perspective for TM1. TM1 supports two 64-bit Operating Systems these are UNIX and Windows 64-Bit. Since it’s more than likely that the admin users of TM1 are used to working […]

TM1 9.4 Presentation

Attached is the presentation I did for the Sydney TM1 Usergroup organized by Amendra Pratap. This covers most of the new 9.4 features.

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